
9 Most Dangerous Foods in the World

9 Most Dangerous Foods in the World Here are 9 of the most dangerous foods around the world: 1. Pufferfish This is a delicacy in Japan, locally known as fugu and only properly-trained chefs can serve fugu safely. It is mostly eaten raw, fried, or boiled with miso. The deadly poison, which can kill instantly, can be found in the liver and internal organs, so it has to be properly prepared and cleaned before serving. 2. Absinthe This sweet drink is made from woodworm, fennel, and anise. Woodworm contains a chemical that has psychoactive properties and could cause hallucinations. 3. Live Octopus Also known as Sannakji in Korea, this delicacy is eaten raw. The danger is that if you don’t chew this well, the suction of the octopus can grip your throat and cause choking and suffocation. 4. Ackee This fruit is well loved in Jamaica. It must only be eaten when it is fully ripe, properly prepared and without the toxic seeds. The seeds contain poisonous substance

World Tasty Foods

1. Massaman curry, Thailand One more reason to visit Thailand. Emphatically the king of curries, and perhaps the king of all foods. Spicy, coconutty, sweet and savory. Even the packet sauce you buy from the supermarket can make the most delinquent of cooks look like a Michelin potential. Thankfully, someone invented rice, with which diners can mop up the last drizzles of curry sauce. "The Land of Smiles" isn't just a marketing catch-line. It's a result of being born in a land where the world's most delicious food is sold on nearly every street corner. 2. Neapolitan pizza, Italy Neapolitan pizza: always delicious no matter the size. Spare us the lumpy chain monstrosities and "everything-on-it" wheels of greed. The best pizza was and still is the simple Neapolitan, an invention now protected by its own trade association that insists on sea salt, high-grade wheat flour, the use of only three types of fresh tomatoes,

Top Healthful Foods

Nuts, pulses, and grains    Nuts, pulses, and grains can be highly nutritious. Here are some of the best: Almonds First on our list is almonds. Almonds are rich in nutrients, including magnesium, vitamin E, iron, calcium, fiber, and riboflavin. A scientific review published in Nutrition Reviews Trusted Source found that almonds as a food may help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. The authors wrote: "The message that almonds, in and of themselves, are a heart-healthy snack should be emphasized to consumers. Moreover, when almonds are incorporated into a healthy, balanced diet, the benefits are even greater." Almonds have more fiber than any other tree nut. Brazil nut Nuts, pulses, and grains are in important part of a healthy diet. Brazil nuts, ( Bertholletia excels ) are some of the most healthful nuts on the planet. In Brazil, they are called 'castanhas-do-pará' - which translates as "chestnuts from Pará." Pará is a state in no